
Advanced Cadaveric Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia Workshop

Cadavers will be utilized for needling, ultrasound instruction, administration of block medium, and catheter insertions. Workshop content will consist of classroom lectures, hands-on demonstrations, “live” model scanning, and individualized instruction utilizing high faculty-to-attendee ratios.

The following topics will also be covered:

  • Subpectoral interfacsial plane
  • Modified PECS (PECs I/II)
  • Paravertebral
  • Erector Spinae
  • TAP
  • Quadratus lumborum 1,2,3 and the intramuscular
  • Retrolaminar
  • Rhomboid intercostal block
  • PECS catheter using the RAPTIR approach
  • Diagnosis and treatment of neurologic injury following a peripheral nerve block using anatomist and physical therapists.
  • Neuromuscular assessment of neurologic injury guided by a physical therapist.
  • Full anatomical dissection of clinically relevant anatomy related to advanced peripheral nerve blocks.

The following variations on infraclavicular blocks will be covered:

  • Costoclavicular
  • Combination of posterior cord (infraclavicular) and the suprascapular nerve block using the RAPTIR approach for a COPD patient undergoing shoulder surgery.
  • Suprascapular (classic approach and supraclavicular approach)
  • Axillary nerve at the quadrangular space

Anatomists from a local university (trained PhDs and DPTs) will be performing the dissections and instruction of the anatomy related specifically to regional anesthesia.

Faculty for the daylong workshop includes: Bill Johnson, DNAP, CRNA, Director of the MTSA Acute Surgical Pain Managment Fellowship; Stace Dollar, MS, CRNA; John M. Edwards, III, MS, CRNA; and MTSA Acute Pain Fellows.

For more information contact Bill Johnson at (615) 732-7846 or

CE Credit

This program has been prior approved by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists for 8.00 Class A CE credits; Code Number 1035765; Expiration Date 8/5/2018.

AANA designates this program as meeting the criteria for up to 2.00 CE Credits in pharmacology/therapeutics.

Course ID: 94166


Participation limited

Presented by: Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia

 315 Hospital Drive, Madison, Tennessee

“Reflecting Christ in Anesthesia Education”

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