Continuing Education
Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia is pleased to offer Continuing Education for anesthesia providers, both in-person and online. From hands-on training courses to self-guided content, Class A CE credits have been approved by the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology in a variety of content areas. Click below to learn more!
Cadaveric Regional Anesthesia Workshops»
Point-of-Care Ultrasound (PoCUS) Workshops»
TEE/TTE Workshops»
Nurse Educator Micro Credential»
Nurse Educator Mini Conference»
Fellowship Webinar Series»
Nurse Educator Webinar Series»
Self-Guided Courses (Airways newsletter)»
Submitting Continuing Education Content
Are you a CRNA who has been involved in research or best practices in the clinical setting and would like to share your knowledge? Join other MTSA alumni in helping to create Continuing Education courses based on your expertise and experience!
If interested in submitting content for our Continuing Education program, please email details to