Title IX
- Commitment to Non-Discrimination and Relevant Policies+--
Commitment to Non-Discrimination
Middle Tennessee MTSA of Anesthesia (“MTSA”) exists to provide a Christian, Seventh-day Adventist learning environment that fosters the pursuit of truth, excellence in and access to graduate nurse anesthesia education, and a life of service for all individuals.
The MTSA prohibits discrimination against employees, students, or applicants for employment or admission, on the basis of the following:
- race
- color
- sex
- age
- disability
- marital status
- religion
- gender identity
- genetic information
- sexual orientation
- gender identity
- national or ethnic origin
- Parental status
- Veteran status
- Pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions
- or any other category protected by applicable law
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity.
Sexual harassment, includes sexual assault and other sexual misconduct, is a form of sex discrimination. Under the University Sexual Misconduct Policy, the University prohibits sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, stalking, domestic or dating violence, and retaliation. Discrimination based on sex includes pregnancy discrimination, gender-based stereotyping, gender-based harassment, and sexual violence.
Right to Supportive Measures
Middle Tennessee MTSA of Anesthesia (“MTSA”) will treat all impacted individuals and those alleged to have caused harm equitably by offering Supportive Measures. Upon notice of potential Prohibited Conduct, the Title IX Coordinator will assess whether Supportive Measures are reasonably appropriate. A Complainant is always entitled to reasonably available Supportive Measures, regardless of whether a formal or informal resolution process is initiated. Supportive Measures restore or preserve access to the living and/or working environment.
Examples of supportive measures that the MTSA may consider and implement for students include, but are not limited to:
- Access to off-campus counseling services;
- Mutual No-Contact Directives;
- Rescheduling or extension of academic exams and assignments;
- Changing clinical schedules, job assignments, or job locations for MTSA employment;
- Student-requested leaves of absence.
For Faculty and Staff:
In cases involving faculty and staff who request supportive measures, the Title IX Coordinator will confer with the appropriate Manager or Dean. Some supportive measures may continue after an investigation is closed, or as sanctions or accommodations, depending on the outcome of the matter.
Examples of supportive measures that the MTSA may consider and implement for faculty and staff include, but are not limited to:
- Access to on-campus counseling services;
- Changing work schedules or job assignments;
- Limiting or barring access to certain MTSA-owned facilities or programs.
Right to Reasonable Accommodations and Language Assistance
Individuals who require reasonable accommodation due to a qualifying disability and/or language services in order to fully and meaningfully report or participate in this process, please get in touch with Asia Byers.
Claims of discrimination on the basis of disability or failure to accommodate a disability should be directed to:
Prohibition on Retaliation
Retaliation is unlawful and violates MTSA policies. Individuals who assert their rights to a living or working environment free of discrimination on the bases specified by this Policy are protected from retaliation. Additionally, individuals are protected from retaliation for cooperating in an investigation of such a complaint or for opposing prohibited practices is prohibited. Retaliation exists when an individual harasses, intimidates, or takes other adverse actions against a person because that person participates in an investigation or because of they support of someone involved in an investigation.
Commitment to Privacy
The MTSA will maintain privacy during our work with you to the fullest extent reasonably possible. Please note that our office is not a confidential resource but commits to sharing information only with individuals with a legitimate business or educational need to know.
- Reporting Process+--
How to Report
- Resources+--
Resources & Support
MTSA encourages all individuals to seek confidential counseling, medical, spiritual, and advocacy support. Confidential providers are not required to report potential policy violations to the Title IX Coordinator.
Resource Guides
- Pregnancy & Parenting Resource Guide
- Community Resource Guide to Prevent Sexual Misconduct
- Supportive Resources for Counseling, Medical or Advocacy
Emergencies or Safety Concerns should be reported:
- Call 911
- Contact the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department Madison Precinct, 400 Myatt Drive Page, non-emergencies call 615-862-8600.
After you call 911 or contact police and once it is safe to do so, please notify the following campus Security Authorities (CSA)
- Chris Hulin, President 615-732-7841 chris.hulin@mtsa.edu 615-732-7676
- Alescia Bethea, Executive Vice President 615-732-7862 alescia.bethea@mtsa.edu
- Jon Ronning, VP, Finance and Administration 615-732-7672 jon.ronning@mtsa.edu *After hours call 615-543-6233
- Title IX Coordinator & Deputy Trainings+--
Staff Training
Training Information Attendees CA Training, November 2022 Jessica Nagle Decision Maker, October 2022 Jessica Nagle Coordinator Training, May 2023 Jessica Nagle Coordinator, Level One Certification, 2022 Jessica Nagle Coordinator, Level Three Certification, 2022 Jessica Nagle Decision Maker Training, Summer 2020 Jessica Nagle Domestic Violence – Stalking, Fall 2022 Jessica Nagle GRS Decision Makers, Part 3, Summer 2022 Jessica Nagle GRS Decision Makers, Pt.2, Summer 2020 Jessica Nagle GRS Decision Makers, Summer 2020 Jessica Nagle GRS Packet, Summer 2020 Jessica Nagle Report Writing, 2022 Jessica Nagle Restorative Justice, 2021-2022 Jessica Nagle Sanctions One-Page, July 2022 Jessica Nagle Sanctions, July 2022 Jessica Nagle Title IX Coordinator Training, Summer 2021 Jessica Nagle Decision Makers- Conducting Fair, Equitable, and Compliant Title IX Hearings, April 2023 Asia Byers
- Admissions
- Apply Now
- Financial Aid
- Applying for Financial Aid
- Types of Financial Assistance
- Entrance and Exit Loan Counseling
- Cost of Attendance
- Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Federal Aid
- Consumer Information
- Code of Conduct
- Veterans Education Benefits
- Nurse Faculty Loan Program
- Refunds, Return of Title IV and Leave of Absence
- Transferring Credits
- FAQs
- Contact Us
- Academics
- Doctorate Completion Program
- Practice Doctorate/DNAP Program
- Acute Surgical Pain Management Fellowship Program
- Nurse Anesthesia Educator Track
- Continuing Education
- Regional Cadaveric Workshops
- Regional Anesthesia Foundations Class
- Advanced Physiologic Foundations Class
- Learning Resource Center