Business Office / Billing and Payment

What does it cost?

In addition to the tuition & fees posted directly to your student account, there are additional indirect costs associated with attending college. The MTSA Cost of Attendance, used for awarding financial aid, includes other “average” expenses that you may incur that are not billed to your MTSA student account. This information will hopefully assist you in developing your budget.

MTSA Financial Aid Cost of Attendance  

How to Apply for Financial Aid  

How to Pay


529 Plan
Paper Check
Credit Card  

Business Office Contact

529 Plan Payments:

Please reach out to your plan provider to determine how they provide payments and how long it will take to send the payment. Student’s name and ID should be included with the payment

Paper Check:

Checks can be delivered in person or mailed to the address below. Please make sure payments arrive by the applicable payment deadlines. A $30 fee will be assessed for each occurrence of a check returned by a bank for insufficient funds, closed account, or any other reason.

Credit Card/E Check:

Link to your student portal to make your payment.

Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia
Business Office
P.O. Box 417
Madison, TN 37116


  • Financial Aid Refunds+--

    When loan funds are applied against the student’s school charges and it creates a credit balance, the Business Office uses electronic funds transfer (EFT) to transfer any credit balance on the student’s school account into the student’s personal bank account. Students who request financial aid will be asked to complete an MTSA Authorization Agreement for Electronic Funds Transfer. This form collects bank account information and can be accessed and completed on the student portal.


The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 allows a tax credit to be claimed for out-of-pocket payments made to eligible higher education institutions during the tax year for qualified tuition and fees. The IRS requires that colleges and universities provide a 1098-T Tuition Statement for the purpose of determining a taxpayer’s eligibility for various education tax credits or deductions.  

1098-T forms will be mailed no later than January 31. MTSA’s 1098-T’s are issued through a 3rd party servicer (ECSI).  

Be sure to keep your address current on Campus Café or with the Registrar’s office if you no longer have access to the student portal. If you do not receive your 1098-T by mid-February, or have any questions about the form, please contact MTSA Business Office (   

For more information on filing taxes, please refer to