Nurse Educator Mini Conference
October 20-21, 2024
Cost: $400 (includes lunch)
Location: MTSA Campus, 315 Hospital Drive, Madison, TN 37115
We are excited to announce our Inaugural Nurse Educator Mini Conference for Fall 2024! This conference is for experienced educators and those new to the field. It is geared towards any educator looking to expand on their teaching skills to meet the needs of diverse learners. In addition, QPR suicide awareness training integrates a wellness resource into this conference for faculty. Attendees will grow as educators by refining exam writing skills and item writing techniques. To better connect with different learning styles, a review of different teaching methodologies and teaching techniques will be presented, followed by opportunities to practice the techniques. There will be a focus on integrating wellness into the curriculum in a seamless manner as our role as educators has expanded over the last few years to meet the well-being needs of students.
We hope you’ll join us in our effort to refine the skillset of educators and improve the student experience!
Tentative Conference Agenda
Sunday, October 20
8:30 am | Welcome and Introductions
9:00 – 11:30 am | Incorporating Health and Wellness into Curriculum (8 credits)
11:30 am – 12:30 pm | Lunch
12:30 – 3:30 pm | Classroom Techniques to Increase Student Engagement (case studies, flipped classroom, lecturing, incorporating technology, online-distance learning) (3 credits)
3:45 – 5:00 pm | Journal Club: Critical Appraisal Skills (1 credit)
5:00 pm | Wellness Walk
Monday, October 21
8:30 am | Wellness Stretch
9:00 – 11:00 am | Item Writing Workshop: Creating and Evaluating Test Questions (2 credits)
11:00 am – 12:00 pm | Lunch
12:00 – 2:00 pm | QPR Training (2 credits)
Please note: this information is subject to change.
Session Descriptions:
Incorporating Health and Wellness into Curriculum
This session builds on the content reviewed prior to the conference in the iSpring Market. Completing this session, along with the Market content, will earn you the Nurse Educator: Health and Wellness Micro-Credential. In this session, we review techniques to seamlessly incorporate both student and faculty well-being into curriculum and coursework, review current curriculums for gaps and develop an action plan to move forward with a curriculum that is embedded with wellness in mind. (8 CE)
Classroom Techniques to Increase Student Engagement
In this session we will review teaching strategies shown to increase student engagement. We will then go through samples of teaching using case studies, flipped classroom, lecturing techniques, and technology using a relevant subject matter to exemplify how incorporating these techniques can be accomplished effectively. Thes skills can be used in both in-person and distance learning sessions. Participants will have time to practice techniques and develop online tools to incorporate into classroom sessions. (3 CE)
Critical Appraisal Skills
This session will be help in journal club format where attendees will be given a scholarly article to read. As a group we will appraise the article for content and quality using different critical appraisal tools including the CASP tool, Johns Hopkins, and Janna Briggs Critical Appraisal methods. (1CE)
Item Writing Workshop
In the item writing workshop test blueprints, question strategies, and evaluation of testing items will be discussed. We will review questions and use industry guidelines, to formulate high quality test questions. Feel free to bring questions you wish to incorporate for feedback. We will discuss evaluating the results so questions can be revised for quality and accuracy. (2 CE)
QPR Training
Over the last few years, the stresses on health science students have become more apparent. QPR training teaches how to recognize students that may be struggling with a variety of issues, but especially those at risk for suicide. The training involved going over how to question students, persuade them to get help, and supply them with the correct resources. The skills are practiced using different scenarios in small groups before reconnecting as a group to debrief on the training. (2 CE)
All sessions contain time for questions. In addition, the content is design to help meet the requirement for the faculty requirements from the Council on Accreditation for Nurse Anesthetists including formal instruction in curriculum, evaluation, and instruction.
Watch the video below for “reflections on QPR Suicide Awareness Training,” which is part of the Mini Conference!