Katrin Sames, DNAP, CRNA
DBAP 840 Advanced Physiology & Pathophysiology: Pediatric Anesthesia
DEDU 850 Quality Improvement for Safety and Wellness in Patient Populations
DPCE 800 Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry for Nurse Anesthesia
DNAP 640 Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
DNAP 660 Population Wellness and Health Promotion (Epidemiology)
DBAP 840 Advanced Physiology & Pathophysiology: Pediatric Anesthesia
DEDU 850 Quality Improvement for Safety and Wellness in Patient Populations
DPCE 800 Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry for Nurse Anesthesia
DNAP 640 Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
DNAP 660 Population Wellness and Health Promotion (Epidemiology)