Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia is Helping to Combat the National Opioid Epidemic
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention1 (CDC), 91 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose, and that number is on the rise. CDC research shows that the majority of drug overdose deaths (more than six out of ten) involve an opioid. In addition, the amount of prescription opioids sold to pharmacies, hospitals and doctors’ offices nearly quadrupled from 1999 to 2010, yet there had not been an overall change in the amount of pain that Americans reported.
Fighting the opioid epidemic requires a collective effort from the entire medical community. Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia (MTSA) is doing its part by educating certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) on treatment options that reduce or eliminate the need for opioids during and after surgery. The focal point of this effort is our new Acute Surgical Pain Management Fellowship, in partnership with the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA).
Learn more about the Acute Surgical Pain Management Fellowship»
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Learn about MTSA’s efforts to combat the opioid epidemic by teaching non-addictive alternatives to pain-management:
MTSA’s Acute Surgical Pain Management Fellowship expands clinical sites and curriculum»
CRNAs are part of the solution to a growing need
The field of pain management is continually growing. As the baby boomer generation ages, increasing numbers of patients will undergo surgery, and CRNAs will be responsible for managing these patients’ acute surgical pain. The Acute Surgical Pain Management Fellowship (ASPMF) will equip CRNAs with the necessary knowledge and skill-sets to meet this growing demand. From medical management approaches, such as multimodal therapies and opioid sparing strategies, to advanced interventional techniques, including continuous catheter utilization, CRNAs are able to treat these patients with confidence and skill.
In addition to the Fellowship, MTSA continues to collaborate on a national level with lectures, workshops and other joint efforts that are helping provide solutions to the opioid epidemic. These efforts improve both patient safety and satisfaction while minimizing opioid-related adverse drug events.
Our goal is to stay on the cutting edge and continue to raise awareness among healthcare providers across the nation that, in many cases, opioid-free surgery is a reality today. As participants in the ASPMF, fellows will be able to implement the advanced interventional techniques in their local communities. Ultimately, this equates to reduced opioid dependency, which decreases the likelihood of opioid-related deaths.
Stay informed about MTSA and our ongoing efforts to combat the opioid epidemic»
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About Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia
Founded in 1950, Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia provides graduate-level education and training of nurse anesthetists in a Christian environment born of its Seventh-day Adventist heritage. MTSA is the only independent, fully accredited anesthesia institution of its kind in the nation, instilling excellence through innovative and diverse clinical experience. A leader in academic, clinical, and professional distinction, MTSA is responsive to the needs of its constituents, providing affordable graduate education for students from diverse backgrounds. The campus is located in Madison, Tennessee, a suburb of Nashville.
MTSA provides a highly specialized academic environment, integrating the latest research, hands-on clinical practice, and one-on-one support in a unique graduate education setting. Its reputation for excellence attracts student nurse anesthetists who are motivated to improve patient outcomes and serve others through their profession.
We want to hear from you! Email us at info@mtsa.edu or call (615) 732-7662.
1 https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/epidemic/index.html